Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday Newsletter 10/12

Our week started off with a presentation from the highschool. When we got back, it was so nice out, so my class had math outside! We need to cherish the days we can be outside without being bundled up! The kids loved getting a little extra Vitamin D!

We did a quick overview of Punnett squares, to learn about heredity and how offspring gets their traits from their parents! We did this by making a baby dragon. They were able to compare their dragons with others to see how each one was different. I saw so much creativity!

Maya's beautiful dragon!
We did a fun new thing in Math this week. It was called Challenges. Each problem had an assigned point value and they were to find as many problems as they could and get the most points. All the problems were at the back table and they could only have 1 sheet at a time. (shhhh don't tell them this, but it was just like they were doing a worksheet, they said they loved the game!)

Spotlight Students:
Drawing the dragons was fun because we got to see how there can be lots of combinations of DNA. We also got to see how people drew their traits. It made DNA very interesting!
-Drew Persigehl
On Tuesday we had library and that was not the best for me my dog got my library book I was nervous and Mrs. Klaus was very kind about it. Mrs. Klaus is the best. PS I am getting you some apples and caramel
-Delaney Dickens
Today in science we did a dragon project. First  we chose if it was a fire breather, etc. Then we had fun coloring them. It's one of my favorite projects I've done!
-Zach Ahrendsen

We also played Jeopardy in Science Class to help review for the test.
I will need to take their science and math tests home with me this weekend to grade. Monday they should bring home both tests, I will text you for sure about that, and test corrections for both tests will be due Tuesday.
HERE is the link to sign up for the texts if you haven't already!

Thank you so much for the kind donations of the 3D objects and the newspaper. We will be using those on Monday and Tuesday of next week. Next week we have a full week planned in science. I cannot contain my excitement that we are already in October and it is BIOME time! I have so many neat projects planned! With these projects, I would like to ask for donations of just simple things you have around the house. Note- We will be using them, so they will not be returning back home

Plastic/paper cups in any/every size
8x11 size envelopes (just the cheap ones)
pipe cleaners
felt squares
colorful pom poms/cotton balls
Boxes-cereal, oatmeal containers, etc
Tacky Glue
Any kind of "outdoor" magazine
Ziploc baggies
Gummy Worms

I appreciate every donation BIG and small! Your involvement in our classroom means so much to me! Thanks again for everything you do and all your support!

-Miss Koch

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